Sunday, February 28, 2010

Feelin a little bit Wicked

Last night I had the great pleasure and opportunity to see a performance of Wicked at the Tampa Bay Performing Arts Center. It was an amazing show, even better than I expected.

We started off the night with dinner at RawBar downtown, paid our outrageously priced tab, then headed right next door for a bag of fries and beers at Five Guys! So much better, we should have just went there to begin with, but we both felt a little overdressed for a burger joint initially, and with the stereotypical date night of an award winning musical and dinner - well I guess fine dining is expected. Next time we just won't care as much!

We then headed over to Morsani Hall for the show, grabbed a couple glasses of chardonnay, and browsed the souvenir tables for goodies, where I was spoiled enough to walk away with a tshirt, cd, and keychain. Then we found our seats and helped neighbors take photographs and sipped our wine while waiting for the show to start. No obstructions, no one in front of us, perfect view!

Then the show started and I was a complete zombie to anything else going on around me. She swears that I was covered in gooseflesh and had tears for at least half of the show. I couldn't take my eyes from the stage.

The cast was amazing -


- all perfectly done.

I would see it again, in a heartbeat.

As we left the theatre I decided I did not want our evening to end. I wanted to fly on my cloud of bliss a little longer, did not relish coming home and letting the dog out, getting all "ungussied," and climbing into bed in my sweatpants. So we headed to Applebee's for another drink (water for me this time) and some Spinach Artichoke dip (could eat that stuff until I make myself sick, I swear!) and tried to find some friends to come share in my euphoria. Ended up just us though.

Really people, start answering your phones at midnight.

Then we headed home and crashed.

I felt a little bit like a princess last night. Everything was perfect. The sunset from the sushi bar, the compliments on my dress ( and shoes even! ) from strangers, laughing over beers fries and peanuts with the smell of burning grease in the air, the short walk to the show and having the chilly breeze blow my skirt up for a 'marilyn moment.'

What a night! 


Anonymous said...

Sounds perfect

Anonymous said...

I think we saw Wicked about the same time you guys did. It was awesome and I'd like to see it again also. We forked over the $50 it was to buy a poster autographed by the whole cast. Really cool. Still haven't hung it up though. Lol.