Friday, February 26, 2010

as I am

I have carried this poem in my wallet for at least 12 years. It was given to me by my grandmother after being clipped from a local newspaper, so I have no clue who to attribute it to. It is a very simple message, the writing is direct and to the point and a cute rhyme, but for some reason any time I am feeling down or unsure about things, re-reading it always makes me feel better. Maybe it is the connection I feel with my grandmother when I read it, maybe it is the simplicity of the message. Either way, here tis...

I cannot change the way I am
I never really try
God made me different and unique
I never ask him why

If I appear peculiar
There’s nothing I can do
You must accept me as I am
As I’ve accepted you

God made a casting of each life
Then threw the mold away
Each child is different from the rest
Unlike as night from day

So often we will criticize
The things that others do
But do you know they do not think
The same as me and you

So God in all his wisdom
Who knows us all by name
He didn’t want us to be bored
That’s why we’re not the same

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