Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A list

My daily horoscope is sent to me every morning via text message courtesy of Alltel/Verizon. This morning's sliver of insight was "Make a list - pros and cons, to-do, whatever - then stick with it until it's done." Might I add here that I'm not quite sure how you "stick with" a pro/con list. Either way, I saw it as a New Years Resolution -type opportunity, for the middle of February. I made a couple of resolutions for January 1, 2010.. none of which I have stuck with, of course, and none of which I wish to list here as an occasion for dwelling on my failures in a short 7 weeks. So I shall begin again. Because my horoscope says to.

  • Exercise daily, excluding the chores I do at home anyway and walking when I don't find a decent parking space.
  • Eat healthier. No fried foods or junk.
  • Keep up with my blog! (so far so good)
  • Spend at least 5 minutes a day in prayer/meditation/quiet reflection.
  • Take slow, deep breaths when I am upset instead of yelling and then crying to make myself feel better.

Not too bad for a list, I suppose. General improvement of well-rounded health, both physical and mental. Shouldn't be too difficult, right? Here's to hoping.

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