Monday, November 1, 2010

Routine of things

I am feeling very down lately. I wasn't quite sure what exactly was bringing it on, but I think I've figured it out. I thrive on routine. On having a systematic balance to what is done, how it is done, and when (especially when ) it is done each day. Our family recently has been turned on it's metaphoric head when it comes to routines. Changes in schedules, classes; ending sports seasons; it all just feels wacky lately. I have to refind that groove that lets me feel like I am accomplishing the things that need to be done and when they need to be done. I feel like I am a better parent when things are organized, even my time.

Laundry on a certain night. Homework at a certain time. Dinner dishes pet care etc.

I need to find my groove.


Anonymous said...

Without a pattern or groove to settle into, we are in but a world of chaos.

Anonymous said...

wasnt that a movie.... Dawn gets her groove back?