Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I am just looking for a connection. For a way to feel like I have shared something - a moment, a feeling, an experience. I miss that feeling.

Grass is always greener in every pasture but the one you are standing in. Maybe that is because we keep walking in circles looking for the gate and pacing because we feel trapped until we've worn our own grass down until nothing remains but dirt and mud. I think maybe I just want to live where there are no fences, that way you are on neither this side, nor that one. Maybe then I can stop pacing.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure one ever stops pacing as long as they conform to others wishes and desires and false hopes. Where are we without false hopes though. Possibly lost even more so with reality that is just as brutal. You are much too strong a person to conform, however, this pasture you're in is just another stepping stone in life.