Saturday, October 23, 2010

Old Blog postings...

Life never lives up to our expectations, does it? And I've always heard that life is what you make of it. I get that, I really do. Then someone sent me a quote yesterday, in an (appreciated) attempt at cheering me up - Happiness is not getting what you want, but wanting what you already have. So now here I sit, pondering that. Isn't that settling? Should we really settle? Why shouldn't we go out there and really fight for what it is that we desire, to break all of the rules and do anything necessary to attain our wishing star?

Here's a For Instance - someone has a great, enjoyable career that pays well, has good benefits, and is doing something where they are 'making a difference.' But they've always dreamed of being a photographer for a wildlife magazine. If they see that opportunity arise, why shouldn’t' they go for it? As long as all financial barriers are covered in the meantime, drop what you are doing, and chase your dream. Take every picture you can, until your shutter finger is worn and calloused. You may ultimately lose the cushy, comfortable job, yes. But wouldn't you have always wondered what your lens would show? You never know unless you try, right?

I think we all should give it all up for every turn at fate. If you settle, you are surrendering. Waving that white flag and saying "nah, it's okay, I'm here, I'm fed and clean as a prisoner and out of danger of being taken hostage by the next troop that comes along, so I'll stay right here." Well what if the war is over just beyond the next hill? What if you can keep running, never looking back and make that climb? You'd see that peace you'd knew could be discovered somewhere if you look in the right spot - at just the right time.


Anonymous said...

This is quite accurate; I'm glad you shared.

Anonymous said...

your welcome!!!