Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Old Stuff

I recently found this when I was digging through a box of old things. I wrote it in jr. high, I think it was in 7th grade. Not quite sure, could have been 8th. Anyway, I thought I could preserve it on here. So here it is.

As I wander this everlasting hellhole called Earth I begin to believe that this is my dream, seeming nightmare, that I shall never awaken from, never ending demons and monsters chasing me into bottomless pits deeper than my soul, that envelope me in darkness. And these demons are the people that encourage my sadness. And these monsters are the lost hopes hoes of ever waking. And this pit is my own heart that has stopped its pulse until I awaken again.

Cheery for a 13 yr old, no?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's pretty fucked up. I love it!! :-D
Reminded me of something I wrote back in 2005

The Sad City

weeping woe fills the shady sky.
the dead groan in agony,
moaning and whining.
singing the tragedy of living
diminished demise.

savory sickining soots
the inside of noses
and the roofs of mouths.

honesty is a broken mirror;
no one stands to look at her.
she's covered in leprosy,
and her voice is raspy.
her pain can only be sung
by the vulture with broken wings.
her lips bleed and crack.

sorrow dampens the night,
like a bulky bundle of bricks
stacked on the backs of
every feeble childs' weak spine.
a balancing trio of tempered torment.

walking the tight rope of razor blades.
the alone beast slumps and lurks,
claiming loathing
the dying destiny of the dead.

frozen bitter frost biting
all lementing always forsaking.
incomplete illogical always
grinning nothingness.

welcoming victory sirens of ambulance
finish lined and flat lined.
simplicity, always practicing
death moans.

screeching, ear covering
chalk scratching and ice biting.
forgetful walking
throat slicing
gut wrenching
teeth smashing
damp dank delightful