Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Old Stuff

I recently found this when I was digging through a box of old things. I wrote it in jr. high, I think it was in 7th grade. Not quite sure, could have been 8th. Anyway, I thought I could preserve it on here. So here it is.

As I wander this everlasting hellhole called Earth I begin to believe that this is my dream, seeming nightmare, that I shall never awaken from, never ending demons and monsters chasing me into bottomless pits deeper than my soul, that envelope me in darkness. And these demons are the people that encourage my sadness. And these monsters are the lost hopes hoes of ever waking. And this pit is my own heart that has stopped its pulse until I awaken again.

Cheery for a 13 yr old, no?

Monday, June 7, 2010

not sure where this one came from...

Broken. And
battered. And
beaten. And

out of choices
that can’t be

Will to continue
left cold
in a

No one
warned her.
Karma’s a bitch.