Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How Dare You

Presumption is the true root of all evil

You presume to know me
know how I feel
What I think
How i should behave

You presume to know god
What he wants
what she sees
Things he judges
Opinions she values

You presume your morals are truth
Who is right, What is wrong
which thoughts
and actions
are impure
and which
land you in purgatory

You presume to know what it is
that is really in my heart
that you can simply

make me see

that your presumptions
should be those of each of us

should you just
keep trying

Please keep trying

I presume that

one day

we'll all get it right

and all stop presuming

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Because I am presuming I am right,
I'm presuming you are also right
In presuming one day we will all have it right.
But only because I presume
On that day
We will discover
It didn't matter.