Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cleaning out

This time of year always kicks my OCD into overdrive. I suppose it may be trying to find a place for all of the new crap the kids get.  Old clothes need to be sorted through to make way for the new clothes. Old toys picked over for the new. etc. You get my point.

So why is it that I don't take time off this time of year to actually accomplish some of this? I can't wait for spring to do spring cleaning, I need New Years cleaning. I need to dispose of crap that has been building up, throw away clothes I've never worn, find new homes for stuffed animals that remain unloved.

Do you want anything of mine? I'd be glad to donate...

Then maybe I'll get a toothbrush to start cleaning the grout.
OCD indeed.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


The problem with games is someone always loses. Monopoly is fine, it's not real money. After basketball, you all clap each other on the back and practice harder for the next time. The real games aren't always so friendly when they come to an end.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


these words are my own
having fought their way up
past the forced laughter
the fake smiles
the assurances of ease and peace
like the bubbles of champagne left untoasted
grown warm in the evening's sun

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Does such a thing truly exist? To be complete in the truest sense, to have not the room for fulfillment more in any capacity?

the edges of the circle are left uncolored
never perfect
my cup has room for one more drop, maybe 2
a word to be added here, perhaps there
a picture left to be hung
hands to hold
hugs to be given
wishes to be shared
money to be spent

There is always something left. Words to be said, tears to be cried. Nothing is ever complete.

Shouldn't the understanding of this fact allow for contentment in the unfinished? to know and believe that everything is changing and growing in a constant state of modification, nothing is the same as it was merely moments ago.


Find relief in the knowledge: it can always get better or be better or different, because it is always changing. There is no need to long for anything, because even once acquired, it will all, in a matter of time,