Monday, July 12, 2010

Things he should have been there for

1) To teach me to play the guitar
2) to scare my boyfriends away
3) to walk me down the aisle
4) to show me more of his love for music, it's something we share

Thursday, July 8, 2010

much ado about nothing

Writing eludes me. No, scratch that. Time to write eludes me. Why? well, because there is dinner to make, and laundry to fold, and carpets to vacuum. Work to be done. and writing isn't work, is it?

Monday, July 5, 2010


sometimes I think I see you in white, but hear you in blue. I feel you in yellow, and love you in red. when you combine it, all that you are left with is a swirling mass of gray. and gray makes me sad.

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