Monday, April 5, 2010


April has arrived on swiftly moving winds! I am still trying to process what happened to 2009, and here in 2010, April is already a week old!! Easter has come and gone, I spent the day at home, helping loved ones nurse hangovers. Yes, I know. Easter Sunday + Hangovers = Trouble.

Spring is a big teaser this year - the sky is a beautiful deep blue, the breeze just enough to make the weather perfect, nights even more enhanced by the clear skies and temperatures that seem plucked from a fairy tale. Of course, I enjoy this mostly from the comfort of my office, a spectacular view to behold on the other side of my window - the building next door, with an identical window, and the small row of shrubbery beneath each.

It is days like these that I fantasize about my certainly-to-come-one-day lottery winnings the most. I picture and imagine, in detail, firstly how and who I would tell about winning. Then there would be the passports for all of the kids to arrange. Scheduling of visitation with their father, because you can't return from Rome or Syndey or Galapagos every other weekend! And the beaches we'd see.. the house I'd buy that would require attention to the lawn- because with unlimited time I would have a yard that the entire city envied.
I would truly become a child of the sun.

Ah April, how you taunt me so.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Guys...

Okay so I said I would find a few guys that I liked.. and perhaps it's just because I just watched Dogma, but Silent Bob is the only one that initially came to mind. I like him...

but for the sake of the blog, I'll post a couple others.

Tom Welling (yeah I know it's there in the picture, but ..) he is definitely good looking. All American Boy kinda comes to mind?

eye candy josh holloway 7 Afternoon eye candy: Josh Holloway (22 photos)
Josh Holloway, not bad!

Johnny Depp - every time.

eye candy richard gere 12 Afternoon eye candy: Richard Gere (20 photos)
Richard Gere

 Jared Leto. Whom I have liked since My So Called Life.