Friday, August 29, 2008

Because I Want To!

So I find myself out of work, no where left within a 100-mile radius to apply or send in my resume. So how do I spend my time? After cleaning the cracks in the bathroom tile with my toothbrush and cutting the lawn with my desk scissors? Why, I create a blog, of course. I can vent my broke-as-hell, about-to-lose-my-mind frustrations on the poor unsuspecting readers. You'd think it wouldn't be so damn difficult to find gainful employment. I am an intelligent woman, with a stable enough work history, more than 5 years experience in my field. And yet, no one is biting. I am getting responses letting me know that my resume is anywhere from 'very impressive' to 'decent enough,' and telling me that I should have no problem finding something, but the position they were offering 'has been filled,' or is 'not quite right for my qualifications.'

So my days now: Wake up, scour the classifieds, craigslist, and jobsites where my resume is already listed. Get the kids off to school. Come home and make sure there are no new listings in the last hour since I was online. Try to find anything else in the house that needs to be done, blades of grass higher than the others. Wash the 5 dirty outfits worn the previous day. Then I begin calling every place that I have submitted my resume or application. Sigh. What a life.